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- JEAR Volume 1 | 2009
- JEAR Volume 2 | 2011
- JEAR Volume 3 | 2015
- JEAR Volume 4 | 2016
- JEAR Volume 5 | 2020
- JEAR Volume 6 | 2021 – 2022
- JEAR Volume 7 | 2023 – 2024
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Impacts of Management Intervention on the Aquatic Habitats of Panguil Bay, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2009.01.01 Proserpina G. Roxas, Renoir A. Abrea & Wilfredo H. Uy | 📄 |
Panguil Bay Fisheries over the Decades: Status and Management Challenges doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2009.01.02 Jaime U. Jimenez, Asuncion B. De Guzman, Cesaria R. Jimenez & Rodrigo E. Acuña | 📄 |
Fisheries Policies and Management in Panguil Bay doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2009.01.03 William R. Adan | 📄 |
Coastal Environment Profile of Lopez Jaena, Misamis Occidental doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2009.01.04 Asuncion B. De Guzman, Mariefe B. Quiñones, Rustan C. Eballe & Marcos B. Israel, Jr. | 📄 |
Growth and Survival of the Surf Clam Spats, Katylesia hiantina, as Functions of Density, Substrate and Salinity doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2009.01.05 Cesaria R. Jimenez, Jaime U. Jimenez & Marcelino I. Tumanda, Jr. | 📄 |
Metabolic responses of the hermatypic coral, Acropora yongei (Veron & Wallace) to changes in salinity doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2009.01.06 Mariefe B. Quiñones, Policarpo L. Openiano, Jr. & Wilfredo H. Uy | 📄 |
In vitro lead accumulation in Gracilaria coronopifolia and Gracilaria eucheumoides doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2009.01.07 Marilou M. Ologuin, Elnor C.Roa & Wilfredo H. Uy | 📄 |
Compensatory Weight Gain and Muscle Tissue Biochemical Composition of GET Excel Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Juveniles doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2009.01.08 Marilou M. Ologuin, Elnor C.Roa & Wilfredo H. Uy | 📄 |
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Age and Reproductive Potential of Domesticated Golden Spinefoot, Siganus guttatus (Bloch) Breeders doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2011.02.01 Jocelyn N. Gorospe, Emilie G. Tubio, Mariefe B. Quiñones, Marilou M. Ologuin & Jessie G. Gorospe | 📄 |
Habitat Characteristics, Spawning, Relative Fecundity and Larval Development of Lutraria sp. (Bivalvia: Mactridae) doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2011.02.02 Cesaria R. Jimenez, Henry E. Dejarme, Jaime U. Jimenez & Ruth D. Gaid | 📄 |
Production of Male Oreochromis niloticus GET Excel Tilapia by Egg Immersion in Methyl Testosterone Hormone doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2011.02.03 Dan M. Arriesgado, Helen J. Vicente & Danilo A. Vicente | 📄 |
Seed Germination and Seedling Development of the Seagrass Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle in vitro: Effects of Burial Depths and Desiccation Periods doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2011.02.04 Dolores M. Dagapioso & Wilfredo H. Uy | 📄 |
Biology, Ecology, and Fishery of the Cross-barred Grunt, Mesopristes cancellatus in Mandulog River, Iligan City doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2011.02.05 Policarpo L. Openiano Jr., Henry E. Dejarme, Alex B. Apongan & Alita E. Openiano | 📄 |
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Aquatic Biodiversity of Lake Mainit, Southern Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.01 Wilfredo H. Uy, Asuncion B. De Guzman, Rodrigo E. Acuña, & Rey L. Roa | 📄 |
Socio-Economics, Institutional Support, and Intervention Programs Toward Sustainable Fisheries Management in Lake Mainit, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.02 Asuncion B. De Guzman, Alita E. Openiano, Marilou M. Ologuin & Jeanette J. Samson | 📄 |
Reproductive Dynamics of the Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenberg) Ascherson in Iligan Bay doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.03 Roseller G. Sabilla & Wilfredo H. Uy | 📄 |
Bacterial Contamination in Selected Commercially Important Bivalve Species and Farmed Seaweed in the Panguil Bay, Northern Mindanao doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.04 Sonia M. Dejarme, Emilie G. Tubio & Mariefe B. Quiñones | 📄 |
Forest Plant Community and Ethnomedicinal Study towards Biodiversity Conservation of an Ancestral Land in Northern Mindanao doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.05 Mariche B. Bandibas & Proserpina G. Roxas | 📄 |
Bioactivity of the crude extract from Padina Japonica Yamada (Phaeophyta, Dictyotales) doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.06 Jeselle R. Kiroquero | 📄 |
Of Cells and Shapes: Assessing Infrageneric Relationships of Micrasterias and Pediastrum Species Using Landmark-Based Geometric Morphometric Methods doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.07 Allyn Duvin S. Pantallano, Cesar G. Demayo & Mark Anthony J. Torres | 📄 |
Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Reef Fish Communities in Selected Marine Protected Areas in Iligan Bay, Northern Mindanao doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.08 Denmark B. Recamara & Asuncion B. De Guzman | 📄 |
Toxicity of Ammonia on Oreochromis niloticus Fingerlings doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.09 Charry Neleene L. Paracueles | 📄 |
Status of Mangroves in Naawan, Misamis Oriental and Prospects for Vegetative Expansion doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2015.03.10 Jeanette J. Samson & Ermelinda G. Tobias | 📄 |
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Potential Antioxidant Activity of Three Kappaphycus ssp. Cultivars (Rhodophyta, Solieriaceae) Collected During Two Monson Seasons in Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2016.04.01 Xyza Kristina Billones, Maria Alma Quiao, Elnor C. Roa, & Proserpina G. Roxas | 📄 |
Disease Prevalence of Scleractinian Corals on Selected Reefs of Iligan Bay doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2016.04.02 Mylene M. Panuncial-Sadagnot & Wilfredo H. Uy | 📄 |
Estimating Loads of Anthropogenic-sourced Pollutants Into the Mandulog River System, Iligan City, Northern Mindanao doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2016.04.03 Sonnie A. Vedra & Pablo P. Ocampo | 📄 |
Larval Dispersal of Reef Fish Along Three Major Coastal Ecosystems in Misamis Occidental doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2016.04.04 Julius V. Mingoc, Proserpina G. Roxas, Wilfredo H. Uy, & Jessie G. Gorospe | 📄 |
Chemical Properties Disparity of Forest Soils Derived from Ultramafic Rocks in Mindanao Island, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2016.04.05 Eric John D. Florida, Garry C. Marapao, & Renato D. Boniao | 📄 |
Uptake of Heavy Metals and Other Elements by Emilia Sonchifolia Grown on an Overburden in Ultramafic Soil from Sorowako, Indonesia doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2016.04.06 Aiyen B. Tjoa & Henry N. Barus | 📄 |
Pond Based Juvenile Production of Siganids: Growth Performance of 30-Day Post Hatch Siganus guttatus (Bloch, 1787) at Three Stocking Denities doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2016.04.07 Michael B. Andam, Gil J. Lumasag, Jocelyn N. Gorospe & Jessie G. Gorospe | 📄 |
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Preliminary Report on the Size-specific Variation in Length-weight Relationship, Relative Condition Factor, and Gonad Maturation of Bigeye Scad Selar crumenopthalmus (Bloch, 1793) in the northern Sulu Sea, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2020.05.01 Kaent Immanuel N. Uba | 📄 |
Status of Six Marine Protected Areas in Palawan, Philippines Based on the Perception of the MPA Managers and the Local Communities doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2020.05.02 Genese Divine B. Cayabo, Charles Maquiso, & Nonillon M. Aspe | 📄 |
Species Composition, Abundance, and Catch Trends of Roundscads Decapterus spp. in Iligan Bay, Northern Mindanao, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2020.05.03 Cesaria R. Jimenez, Dionel L. Molina, Jerry P. Garcia, Mariefe B. Quiñones, Harry Kenn T. de la Rosa, Jeanette J. Samson, & Margarita C. Paghasian | 📄 |
Socio-Economic Condition Among the Fisherfolks in Iligan Bay, Northern Mindanao, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2020.05.04 Mariefe B. Quiñones, Cesaria R. Jimenez, Harry Kenn T. Dela Rosa, Margarita C. Paghasian, Jeanette J. Samson, Dionel L. Molina, & Jerry P. Garcia | 📄 |
An Annotated Checklist to the Commonly Harvested Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) from Marine and Brackish Water Ecosystems of Palawan, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2020.05.05 Billie P. Subang, Jr., Riza G. San Juan, Grecel Fatima C. Ventura, & Nonillon M. Aspe | 📄 |
Growth Performance, Survival, and Filtration Efficiency of Green Mussel (Perna viridis) Spats Fed with Different Algae doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2020.05.06 Josel F. Cadangin, Fiona L. Pedroso, Mary Jane Apines-Amar, Lily Anne G. Piñosa, Donna C. Rendaje, April Joy V. Bordon, & Liberato V. Laureta | 📄 |
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Notes on the Reproductive Traits of Holothuria fuscogilva Cherbonnier, 1980 from Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2021.06.01 Venus E. Leopardas, Mariefe B. Quiñones, Lovella R. Calala, Sandra L. Manulat, Harry Kenn T. Dela Rosa, Christian Jay R. Nob, Jackie Lou G. Empron, Kevin G. Natingga | 📄 |
Assessment and Valuation of Commercially Important Bivalves and Gastropods within the Seagrass Beds of Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental and Rizal, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2021.06.02 Josuah D. Zalsos, Dan M. Arriesgado, Elgen M. Arriesgado and Rodrigo E. Acuña | 📄 |
First Record of the Invasive Mussel Mytella strigata (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in Panguil Bay, Southern Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2021.06.03 Marichu P. Fabiosa, Clark Adrian A. Abao, Noeme P. Fabiosa and Kaent Immanuel N. Uba | 📄 |
Sea Cucumbers (Holothuroidea) of Northeastern and Western Mindanao, Philippines: The Potential Role of Marine Protected Areas in Maintaining Diversity and Abundance doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2021.06.04 Asuncion B. De Guzman and Mariefe B. Quiñones | 📄 |
Suitability Mapping of Key Crop Commodities in Misamis Occidental, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2022.06.05 Jerico Consolacion, Garry Marapao, Wilfredo Uy, Venus Leopardas, Lovely Parungao, Hessed Cabanilla | 📄 |
External Morphology and Some Biometric Characteristics of the Deep-water Redfish Actinopyga echinites(Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) in Cabgan Island, Barobo, Surigao del Sur, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2022.06.06 Marnelle B. Sornito, Venus E. Leopardas, Elgen M. Arriesgado, Mariefe B. Quiñones, Emilie G. Tubio | 📄 |
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Socio-demographics and Perception of Sea Cucumber Gatherers in Selected Areas in Mindanao, Philippines doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2023.07.01 Elden M. Arriesgado, Josuah D. Zalsos, Marnelle B. Sornito, Jomar F. Besoña, Leemarc C. Alia, Flordeline A. Cadeliña, Maria Lyn M. Magcanta-Mortos, Myla Carmen E. Oguis, Divina Ignacio, Asuncion B. De Guzman, Wilfredo H. Uy | 📄 |
Potential Impacts of Mining to Resources along Carac-an Watershed, Eastern Mindanao, Philippines: Total Economic Value Estimates doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2023.07.02 Sonnie A. Vedra, Junrey L. Labalan, Michael James O. Baclayon, Renato D. Boniao | 📄 |
Biomarkers: Their Vital Role in Understanding the Complexity of Marine Pollution Monitoring doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2024.07.03 Ariel T. Antinero , Rey Y. Capangpangan | 📄 |
Anesthetic Efficacy of Lavender and Lemongrass Essential Oils in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, i-Excel strain) Fry doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2024.07.04 Reignier E. Curay, Rimz C. Dadole, Roseller G. Sabilla, Victor R. Navarro, Kaent Immanuel N. Uba | 📄 |
Growth and Survival of Hatchery-Reared White Teatfish Holothuria fuscogilva Cherbonnier, 1980 Juveniles in Different Feed Types Under Laboratory Conditions doi: https://doi.org/10.48031/msunjear.2024.07.05 Dan M. Arriesgado , Emilie G. Tubio, Victor R. Navarro, Kaent Immanuel N. Uba, Delyn M. Bucay, Jomar F. Besoña, Sheena A. Quimson, Lyndon L. Roa, Hilbert D. Cañada, John Marlan R. Mortos, Maria Lyn M. Magcanta-Mortos and Wilfredo H. Uy | 📄 |